Let the Dynamic English Tests take the hard work out of placing each of your learners at the correct level. Instant. Accurate. Reliable.
Level testingClarity publishes digital resources to help learners of English develop in specific areas: reading, writing, grammar, study skills...
gate ioCo-published with the British Council, Road to IELTS provides everything a candidate needs to get a great IELTS score!
IELTSClarity authors are in constant contact with students. The materials they create are learner-focused, effective and always practical.
As an independent publisher, Clarity will work with you to identify your needs, providing the right programs and the right level of support.
Last year Clarity’s server uptime was 99.9%, enabling learners to run 6m trouble-free sessions on computer, tablet and phone.
ClarityEnglish is an independent publisher of online resources for teaching and learning English. This video is an introduction to our programs, content, tools and team.